10 Mar 2024
Shifting space and time
29. What is considered ready for launch?
When the user and the product are both ready for each together.
E.g. The bride and the groom arrive while the guests await.
30. What happens in a launch?
Love, friendship, relationships resonate and blossom.
E.g. The celebration of food and dance at a wedding.
31. When is it preferred to launch a product?
Now. Here and now is better. Here, now and together even more so.
E.g. When the sun, the moon and the earth come together for all to see.
32. When is a launch less preferred?
When yesterday is too late and tomorrow is too soon.
E.g. The baby born ahead of its time yet emerges stronger when it survives.
33. How must a product be received?
As it is given, meeting needs in many ways, exceeding in some.
E.g. The wine that was served last yet tasted the best.
34. How must a product be handled?
As it is meant to be, for the purpose it was made. With joy, delight and care.
E.g. The child wrapped in swaddling clothes.
35. Is one kind better suited to handle a product?
The one that can innately nurture has an incomparable advantage.
E.g. The mother that cradles a new born.