A new land

By Sumeet S. Solanki

May 14 2021

A view from above


A modest land with few products, services and solutions had many couples. From barely anything given to them, each made something for themselves and their children. Some sacrificed greatly so the children could have a better life in unseen distant lands with advanced products, services and solutions. One day two such children left for a new land.

Destiny separated them many times in this new land. Yet their love brought them back together. There were all kinds of people from all lands in this new land. Some friendly, some wary, many kind. The land gave and took opportunities. Through their children's better quality of life, their parents hopes were realized. And thus the hopes of other such parents.

Over time the new land faced great dangers with all other lands. The children with many others did what they could, where they were, with what they had, when it was needed, however possible. They created seemingly impossible products, services & solutions. It was a way for each to give back to their respective new lands and in doing so rebuild all lands.

Eventually the dangers began to be acted on. The infinite love from the parents to their children, passed on to all people across all lands who passed it to each other. Their creations lasted for good. The unending cycle of sharing love in gratitude brought all closer as one family in a single new land, for children, parents and generations.

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