A baby step

By Sumeet S. Solanki

26 Jan 2021

Hold My Hand


8. Why should anyone want to build products?
They shouldn’t. Unless needed. They’d rather be happy with their loved ones.
E.g. A flower bears pollens so it can survive even after the flower is gone.

9. What kind of products should one focus on?
Those that brings joy, peace, harmony one way or another.
E.g. A ripe fruit plucked fresh from a tree and eaten in the garden.

10. Should one build products that are not pleasant?
People have judgements. Product are products. One's bread is another's wine.
E.g. A rose grows with thorns. A lotus in mud. The moon glows in the dark.

11. Should one build products that cause harm?
A product that causes one harm can also be one that protects another.
E.g. The sting of bees wards off intruders while protecting the beehive.

12. Should one build material products?
Pleasing flesh without nourishing soul is like wind. Here today, gone tomorrow.
E.g. The plucked flower feels emptier than the potted sibling with its family.

13. Are products static?
Change is a constant. Products evolve according to use. Even fixed products age.
E.g. A mountain becomes a canyon after a river cuts through it over eons.

14. What kinds of products are there?
5 kinds should suffice - air, water, fire, earth, life to be one with the universe.
E.g. The fire kind sparks passion, the water kind soothes tensions.